
Issue No. 504 - July-August, 2019

COVER STORY: Emotional rescue - 1983 Scirocco is an automotive sanctuary, aged like a fine wine, in an annual trek south. PLUS THESE FEATURE ARTICLES: VW LOOKS BACK IN NEW ADS: The new ad campaign for electric vehicles is creating a buzz; ANNUAL MEETING: Club members are invited to attend the annual VWCA meeting in August in suburban Chicago; FUNFEST: Mid America Motorworks’ 21st annual event offers something for every VW enthusiast. PLUS OUR REGULAR COLUMNS AND FEATURES: Frontdriver – Richard G. Van Treuren; Small Talk - VW + Audi at a glance; Retro Autoist - From the VWCA archives ; Parting Shot - Photo feature; Local Volks Scene - A snapshot of local chapter activities; VW Toon-ups - Cartoon feature by Tom Janiszewski.
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