
January-February, 2019 – Issue No. 501

COVER STORY: Tribute to a mom: How Kathy Janiszewski and a ’72 Volkswagen helped inspire a lifelong hobby; PLUS THESE FEATURE ARTICLES: NEW ERA: Technical advances and a dedicated staff help keep the Autoist running smoothly; BIG BANG THEROY: What’s the 2018 Passat GT got to do with a long-running TV series; TYPE 3 HEADACHE: What went wrong with a Squareback owned for 40 years? It’s a long story; PLUS THESE REGULAR COLUMNS AND FEATURES: Frontdriver – Richard G. Van Treuren; Small Talk - VW and Audi news - quickly; Retro Autoist - From the archives; Parting Shot - Photo feature; Local Volks Scene - A snapshot of local chapter activities; VW Toon-ups - Cartoon feature by Tom Janiszewski

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