“The Last Mile,” a short-film tribute to the Bug marks the end of the third-generation Beetle’s production. It’s playful, offering many pop-culture references to the famous auto. For example, there’s the soundtrack: the Beatle’s “Let It Be.” Recall the Beetle on the Beatle’s “Abbey Road” album cover? See whether you catch other Bug-related ties.
2019 U.S. Sales Report
VWoA reports a 2.6% sales increase to 363,322 for 2019. Ford, GM and Toyota reported fewer deliveries last year. SUVs comprise 53% of VW’s American sales. Five years ago, that percentage was 8.7. During December, VW says its sales skidded 13% (27,877 vs. 32,047 last year). Its top three models: Jetta (8,164; -20%), Tiguan (7,931, -7.2%) and Atlas (7,400; +10%). Its Dec. car sales dropped 25%; SUVs grew .1%.
Audi’s 2019 deliveries were 224,111 (+.4%). December numbers were up 14% (25,850). Audi’s top three models were SUVs: Q5 (6,268; -23%), Q7 (3,967; -2%) and Q3 (4,295; +593%). Trade publications claim VW spent heavily on incentives—an estimated $4,523 per unit.